A Little Bit About

Our Mission

Two Goals, One Site

We have two very distinct goals we seek to achieve from this site, which may at first seem completely unrelated, but in truth can be tightly coupled thanks to the power of the internet.

Share Our Passion About Great Food & Technology

The first goal of this site is to share our passion about producing great food, using amazing products, building tools to do so more effectively, and allow others to learn from our mistakes. You will see chronicled our successes, our failures, our setbacks, and our perseverance. Most of our articles will revolve around BBQ and grilling, but not all. Our team includes passionate bakers, chefs, hackers and makers.

Use Our Passion To Feed Those In Need

Our second goal for this site is to use 100% of the profits to reach those in need with food, comfort, care, and Christ. Our ability to make money will manifest in three primary ways:

  • Amazon or other affiliate links
  • Advertisements
  • Donation buttons

Working with local churches, community organizations, and directly with those who we feel need assistance we will turn the profits and our skills to the task of helping those around us. This can and will take many forms, including but not limited to:

  • Church outreach events
  • Refugee, homeless, and other ministries
  • Bringing food to those suffering from illness, or loss of income

We will do our best to be good stewards of what we are given through this venture, and share those successes with you from time to time on our blog.

Feeding the five thousand, one at a time.